
The CoSpace Education Robot platform is the official platform of the RMA. The RMA uses the CoSpace platform to engage students and teach them about robotics, coding and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects.
Since its debut in 2010, CoSpaceRobot has grown hand in hand and strength to strength with our community. 
It proudly serves the RoboCup community by functioning as a bridge between the Junior & Major Leagues.
Robotics & Maker Academy (RMA), Singapore's partnership with CoSpaceRobot to develop Robotics & AI talent pipeline to enable Singapore to gear up as the world's First Smart Nation. 
In the first 3 years of this partnership, CoSpaceRobot and its unique "MAKE, CODE & CHALLENGE" pedagogy was successfully deployed and adopted by 1 out of every 4 Singapore Schools. More than 20,000 Singapore students were part of this initial phase.
An introduction of CoSpaceRobot's proprietary "Make, Code & Challenge" Pedagogy. 
This Pedagogy first debuted in 2014.
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